You know those days
when your major accomplishment is keeping the kids alive…and fed…oh, and
various diapers/pull-ups changed and potty breaks?! I seem to be having a lot
of those recently…way, too, many!
Granted, I have five children, the youngest being nearly 12
months. My husband has been gone for two weeks and will be gone for a week
more, so that’s….hard. But still, I want to be able to get more done and feel
better about my general parenting/staying-at-home-ishness. It is after all, my
job. When filling out certain paperwork, under MY job description, I write
HOMEMAKER. That is what I am doing, making a home, maintaining a home and,
above all, raising; strong willed, independent, loud, smart, ornery, energetic,
caring, not-so-caring, challenging, enthusiastic, hungry, temperamental,
emotional, cranky, fun-loving, curious, wide-eyed, sweet(ish), sassy, imaginative,
and creative children. I war within myself when I write that title:
HOMEMAKER!??...!! I’m proud that this is
my chosen profession and yet, I wonder why I am doing something that is so
stinking hard and often times not-at-all satisfying and then I feel a little
like “eh”, it’s what I’m doing and sure, why not…then usually, I’ll circle back
around to “Yes, that’s right, I MAKE A HOME!!!” I usually only shout that in my
head, because no one around me doing their own paperwork challenged me on my
life choices so, why should they suffer?!
In a typical job, you might get a raise for doing well,
build up vacation days (and use them!!), get useful feedback from your peers or
your boss. It’s quite different when you’re a homemaker. If you get feedback from
someone who is not your kid, it most often times turns out to be “wow, you’ve
got your hands full”, or the not-so-sly disapproving glances at an outburst
from one or all of your children. Kid feedback is even more fun with such sweet
nuggets of “when I grow up I’m going to have the lion I buy eat you.”

Vacation is not even a word I’m familiar with, I’m sure it
has something to do with having fun “outside of the home” without a child
grafted to my body, but I really don’t know, hopefully I’ll be able experience
this before I die.
Compensation, well, I get a bit more touchy when it comes to
this subject. My mother, who successfully raised six (not easy) children as a
homeschooling(!), homemaker says that it’s all worth it in the end. She touts
the relationships she has with us and the enjoyment of our children as her
reward. I guess I’m not so much of a saint, because, I would love to see an
advancement check for all my labor. Now, I’m not so incredibly calloused and
horrid that I don’t see those little moments of joys and laughter for what they
are, success at “Homemaking”. But, a little appreciation (vocalized) from my
children or applause when I walk in the door with an armful of groceries, or
even $1,673,291 in hard cold cash (I’ve done a little math…), would go a long
way with me.
Just trying the comment thing out.